UK Start-Up Launches Automatic Time Tracking Software
Released on = November 13, 2006, 2:05 am
Press Release Author = workingProgram Limited
Industry = Software
Press Release Summary = Start-up launches new software that takes the pain out of timesheets.
Press Release Body = London-November 13, 2006. UK start-up workingProgram Limited have just launched Qlockwork, a Windows application that automatically tracks PC activities and displays the results in Microsoft Outlook. They predict that Qlockwork will make existing timesheets faster and easier to fill out, and far more accurate.
\"We all know that filling in timesheets is unpopular, but many companies-particularly those who bill for their staff\'s time-worry that they are inaccurate.\" says workingProgram director Anne Currie. \"Most of us struggle to remember exactly what we did today; if we were asked to fill out a timesheet for yesterday, last week, or a month ago, we\'d have little chance of getting it right\".
Existing time tracking software typically relies on the user starting and stopping timers whenever they change what they\'re working on. Currie continues: \"Software timers are better than nothing, but they\'re still dependent on people's memory. As often as not, busy professionals are concentrating too hard on their work to remember to use what is, effectively, just a stopwatch.\"
To deal with the problem, workingProgram developed Qlockwork, a Windows application that tracks user activity on a PC and displays the information in a new Outlook calendar. According to Currie, \"Qlockwork doesn\'t rely on the user remembering anything; at the end of the day or the week, they can just check what they did in their Qlockwork calendar, and then fill out their timesheet.\"
Qlockwork accomplishes this by monitoring the applications that people interact with, triggered by their keyboard or mouse activity. Tracking user activity could raise privacy concerns, but Currie is at pains to distance workingProgram\'s Qlockwork from employee monitoring software: \"Qlockwork only tracks whether the keyboard and mouse are in use, not what you type. Also, the data collected is entirely private and you can change it or delete it if you wish."
Qlockwork runs under Windows XP or Windows 2000, and requires Microsoft Outlook 2003 or Microsoft Outlook XP/2002. A free 30-day trial version of the product is available at
About workingProgram workingProgram Limited is an independent software company based in London, UK. It was founded in early 2006, and its founders have over 25 years of combined experience in the software industry. The company currently specializes in office productivity software for Windows. For more information, contact or visit
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Contact Details = Anne Currie workingProgram Limited 10 Laura Close Enfield London EN1 2DZ UK tel/fax: (+44) (0)7814 558814
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